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Personal Assessment ID
1- I feel in good mood, and kind * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
2- I feel nervous and restless * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
3- I feel satisfied with myself * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
4- I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
5- I feel like a failure * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
6- I feel rested * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
7- I have self-control * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
8- I feel that difficulties are piling up in such a way I cannot overcome them * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
9- I worry too much over things that really do not matter * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
10- I am happy * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
11- I have some disturbing thoughts * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
12- I lack self-confidence * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
13- I feel secured * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
14- I make decisions easily * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
15- I feel incompetent, not up to it * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
16- I am satisfied * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
17- Some unimportant thoughts run through my mind and bother me * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
18- I take disappointments so seriously that I can’t put them out of my mind * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
19- I am a steady person * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always
20- I become tense and agitated when I think about my worries. * Almost never Sometimes Often Almost always