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Personal Assessment ID
1- Have you had problems (aches, pain, discomfort etc.) to your neck during 12 months? * No Yes
2- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely (every 6 months) (every 2 or 3 months) Sometimes Frequently (every month) (every 8 days) Almost always (every day) Not concerned
3- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
4- Have you had problems during the past 12 months (aches, pain, discomfort) at your upper back level? * No Yes
5- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
6- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
7- Have you had problems during the past 12 months (lumbago...) at the level of your lower back? * No Yes
8- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
9- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
10- Have you had problems during the last 12 months (aches, pain, discomfort) at your right shoulder level? * No Yes
11- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
12- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
13- Have you had problems during the last 12 months (aches, pain, discomfort) at your left shoulder level? * No Yes
14- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
15- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
16- Have you had problems during the last 12 months (aches, pain, discomfort) at your right elbow level? * No Yes
17- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
18- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
19- Have you had problems during the last 12 months (aches, pain, discomfort) at your left elbow level? * No Yes
20- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
21- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
22- During the last 12 months, did you have any problem (aches, pain, discomfort) at the wrist level of your right hand? * No Yes
23- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
24- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
25- During the last 12 months, did you have any problem (aches, pain, discomfort) at the wrist level of your left hand? * No Yes
26- What was the frequency of this problem? * Almost never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Almost always Not concerned
27- On average, how intense is this problem? * Weak Moderate Strong Unbearable Not Concerned
28- Since you work here, do you feel stressed? * Not at all A little Strong A lot Enormously
29- Do you have any worry? * No Professionals Family Family and professionals
30- Does your job require you to work very fast? * Rarely Sometimes Quite often Very often
31- Does your job require you to be very productive? * Rarely Sometimes Quite often Very often
32- Generally, do you have a lot of things to do? * Rarely Sometimes Quite often Very often
33- At this moment, do you have many things to do? * No Yes
34- Are you overwhelmed in your work? * Never From time to time Often Always
35- Work under delay (in general)? * Not at all A little Enough A lot
36- Is it the case right now? * No Yes
37- Delay in work (in general)? * Not at all A little Enough A lot
38- Is it the case right now? * No Yes
39- Performance objectives ? * Not at all A little Enough A lot
40- Does your job require your full attention? * Never From time to time Often Always
41- What is the risk of error in your work if you stop concentrating during a moment? * Not at all A little Enough A lot
42- Can you choose the order in which you perform your tasks? * Very strongly A lot Moderately A little Very little 10 choix
43- Can you decide how much work you will perform? * Very strongly A lot Moderately A little Very little 10 choix
44- Can you work at the speed you wish? * Very strongly A lot Moderately A little Very little 10 choix
45- What influence do you have on the quality of work entrusted to you? * Very strongly A lot Moderately A little Very little 10 choix
46- Can you get ahead in your job? * Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not concerned
47- Are you part of the decision makings that concern your work? * Enormously A lot Moderately Little Almost not
48- Do you participate in the organization of your job? * Enormously A lot Moderately Little Almost not
49- Do you decide which part of the work you will perform? * Enormously A lot Moderately Little Almost not
50- Your immediate supervisor * A lot Enough A little Not at all
51- Your colleagues * A lot Enough A little Not at all
52- Your immediate supervisor * A lot Enough A little Not at all
53- Your colleagues * A lot Enough A little Not at all
54- Your immediate supervisor * A lot Enough A little Not at all
55- Your colleagues * A lot Enough A little Not at all
56- Your immediate supervisor * A lot Enough A little Not at all Not concerned
57- Your colleagues * A lot Enough A little Not at all Not concerned
58- Your job is deleted? * Not at all A little Enough A lot
59- Your job is automated? * Not at all A little Enough A lot
60- What is your interest in your work? * No concern Little concern Average concern High concern Huge concern
61- How do you rate the complexity of your job? * Very low Low Average High Very high