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Personal Assessment ID
1- I can face any situation * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
2- I seek for professional advice (such as teachers, doctors ...) * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
3- I try to feel better by eating * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
4- I work in cooperation with others to mobilize myself * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
5- I try not to think about any problem * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
6- I ask God for help * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
7- I avoid meeting people * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
8- I accept a problem if it is unavoidable * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
9- I try not to panic * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
10- I change my way of life * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
11- I make a plan of action and I stand by it * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
12- It is difficult for me to put in words what I feel when facing a difficult situation * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
13- I only think of problems when they present themselves * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
14- I refuse to admit the problem * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
15- I sometimes feel aggressive * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
16- I do somethings more enjoyable than others * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
17- I analyse a situation to better understand it * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
18- I feel the need to share with my love ones what I feel internally * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
19- I tackle a problem directly * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
20- I discuss a problem with my parents or other adults * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
21- I forget my problems while taking medications * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
22- I look for group activities to spend time with them * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
23- I take refuge in my imaginations or in dreams * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
24- I try to give myself a philosophy of life to cope with * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
25- Sometimes I do not do what I decide * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
26- I learn to live with a problem * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
27- I control my emotions * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
28- I change the way I behave * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
29- I know what I must do, so I redouble my efforts to make it happen * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
30- I cannot feel anything when difficulties arise * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
31- I resist the desire to act until the situation allows me * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
32- I act as if the problem did not exist * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
33- I feel guilty * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
34- I go to the movies, or I watch television not to think about problems * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
35- I think of experiences that can help me to cope with a situation * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
36- I look for help from my friends to calm my anxiety * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
37- I face directly the problem * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
38- I ask people who have had a similar experience what they did * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
39- I take drugs or I smoke to calm my anxiety * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
40- I help others as I would like to be helped * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
41- I try hard to think of something else * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
42- I joke about the situation in which I find myself * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
43- I stand back from others * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
44- I accept the idea that is needed to solve the problem * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
45- I keep my feelings to myself * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
46- I modify my actions according to the problem * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
47- I set myself goals to achieve * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
48- My emotions disappear as quickly as they appear * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
49- I avoid acting too quickly * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
50- I say to myself that problems do not matter * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
51- I am overwhelmed by emotions * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
52- I turn to other activities to distract myself * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
53- I think about strategies that I could use to better solve my problems * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
54- I seek sympathy, and encouragement from others * Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often